Let’s get real.

What does that mean?

What is real? Do you have to be able to touch it for it to be real? 

Do you have to be able to feel it? 

What about the things that can be felt but not touched? Are those things not real, or more real?

If it can be felt but not touched, is it the realest? Or the fakest?

Just a figment of your imagination. Until you learn that thoughts create things and our lives become what we focus on. So are our thoughts real? Are they not real now but are real later when they’re outside of our mind, manifested into physical reality?

If our thoughts dictate our reality, there would be a lot of lottery winners and no poor people or war or suffering. It would seem that way if you had little to no life experience dealing with and/or living in a densely populated area. 

Live long enough, and deal with enough people, and you’ll learn that; it is not just possible but probable that; people manifest their suffering through their thinking. Some don’t know. Some don’t want to know it. Some are dependent on it. It in this case is negativity.

Can verify. I know I’ve done it. It’s a consistent fight to not be that way myself. With just a little awareness I was able to disidentify from the constant streams of negative thoughts, perceptions, judgments, emotions, and actions. 

But a lifetime of habitual identification means those detrimental ways of thinking, perceiving, feeling, and acting have roots. They’re very much real. The thought of waving a magic wand in front of me or swallowing a magic pill to serve as a one-time fix-it cure-all is very much NOT real. 

So maybe once upon a time, my negative thought streams and emotional reactions were not real. But repeated often enough, and I did, they became very real parts of my life and my ego identity. Awareness IS the way out. But knowing the path and walking the path are two different things. Walking the path is what’s real.

Let’s get real.

Action is real. 

Not talking, not intent, not planning, not promising, not hoping, not thinking…

Action is real.

Real is where the rubber meets the road.

Thinking about action is a good place to start. Focusing on action is a good next step. Planning specific action real adjacent. Executing the plan, taking action, now we’re getting real.

If only our thoughts, emotions, perceptions, and reactions aligned perfectly with the new beneficial efforts we want to solidify into permanent habits. They say

“Nothing worth having comes easy.” Theodore Roosevelt

I suppose that’s why just living can be so hard. 

Because life is worth living and attempting to manifest our dreams and live as the best version of ourselves is a goal worth pursuing as much or more than any other.  

“Sometimes even just to live is an act of courage.” Seneca

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